
The shag is a sleek, dark diving bird that closely resembles the cormorant but is smaller and more slender. It has a greenish sheen to its plumage and, during the breeding season, develops a small crest on its head. Shags are skilled underwater hunters, diving deep to catch fish like sand eels and sprats.
Unlike cormorants, shags tend to stay closer to rocky coasts but are occasionally seen around Southend Pier, especially in quieter areas. These birds are more elusive than cormorants and are often spotted by keen-eyed observers. Shags are known for their low, raspy calls and their habit of resting with their necks curved into an "S" shape. While harder to spot than their larger cousins, their unique profile and behavior make them a rewarding sight for birdwatchers.
All Year Round
When to See:
Diving Bird
Length: 68-78 cm
Wingspan: 95-110 cm
Weight: 1.5-2.5 kg
Colour: Darker than cormorants, with a green sheen and a more slender neck. Breeding adults develop a small crest on their heads.
Lifespan: 10-12 years.
Green-listed under Birds of Conservation Concern.
Conservation Status: