
The redshank is a medium-sized wading bird commonly seen in the Thames Estuary near Southend Pier. Its distinctive orange-red legs and bill make it easy to recognize, especially when foraging along mudflats or saltmarshes.
Redshanks feed on small invertebrates such as worms, crustaceans, and insects, probing the mud with their slender bills. These birds are known for their loud, high-pitched alarm call, often heard when they take flight in groups.
While redshanks are resident in the UK, their numbers swell in winter as migrants arrive from northern Europe. From the pier, they are most visible during low tide when the mudflats are exposed, providing plenty of feeding opportunities. Their elegant movements and striking coloration make them a favorite among birdwatchers.
All Year Round
When to See:
Wading Bird
Length: 27-30 cm
Wingspan: 59-66 cm
Weight: 80-150 g
Colour: Brownish-grey body with white undersides, orange-red legs, and a medium-length red bill with a black tip.
Lifespan: 5-10 years.
Amber-listed under Birds of Conservation Concern.
Conservation Status: