Red-breasted Merganser

The red-breasted merganser is a distinctive diving duck often found in coastal and estuarine waters, including the Thames Estuary. Males in breeding plumage are particularly striking, with a dark green, shaggy-crested head and a reddish-brown chest, while females have a more subdued appearance with greyish plumage and a reddish head. These birds are excellent divers, using their serrated bills to catch fish such as sand eels and sprats.
During the winter months, they can sometimes be seen foraging in the waters around Southend Pier. Their sleek profile, active diving behavior, and sharp, pointed bill make them fascinating to watch. Although less common than other diving birds, red-breasted mergansers are a rewarding sight for birdwatchers who spot them.
When to See:
Diving Bird
Length: 52-58 cm
Wingspan: 70-86 cm
Weight: 900-1350 g
Colour: Breeding male: Dark green head with a shaggy crest, white neck ring, and reddish-brown chest. Females: Greyish body with a reddish head.
Lifespan: 10-12 years.
Amber-listed under Birds of Conservation Concern.
Conservation Status: