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Harbour Porpoise

Harbour Porpoise

The harbour porpoise is the smallest and most common cetacean found in UK waters. These shy marine mammals have a rounded head, no visible beak, and a small, triangular dorsal fin. They are often seen in small groups or alone, surfacing briefly to breathe. 

Harbour porpoises feed on small fish, squid, and crustaceans, using echolocation to navigate and hunt in the murky estuarine waters. Spotting them near Southend Pier requires patience and calm weather, as they are elusive and tend to avoid boats and human activity.



All Year Round

When to See:

Marine Mammal

Length: 1.4-1.9 m

Weight: 45-70 kg 

Colour: Dark grey on the back, fading to lighter grey or white on the belly. 

Lifespan: 8-12 years. 

Protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

Conservation Status:

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