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Grey Plover

Grey Plover

The grey plover is a medium-sized wader commonly seen around the Thames Estuary during the winter months. These birds are easily recognized by their mottled grey plumage, stout body, and large, dark eyes. In winter, they lose the bold black and white patterns seen during their breeding season but retain their elegant appearance. 

Grey plovers feed on worms, crustaceans, and other small invertebrates, which they find by probing the mudflats with their short, sharp bills. They are often solitary or found in small groups, foraging during low tide on the estuary's exposed flats. Their alert and watchful nature makes them relatively easy to spot if you're paying close attention to the mudflats near Southend Pier. Binoculars will help you appreciate their subtle beauty and feeding behavior.




When to See:

Wading Bird

Length: 27-30 cm

Wingspan: 71-83 cm

Weight: 190-280 g 

Colour: Breeding: Bold black and white pattern on chest and face. Winter: Mottled grey above and white below. 

Lifespan: 10-12 years. 

Amber-listed under Birds of Conservation Concern.

Conservation Status:

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