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The gannet is one of the most impressive diving birds, known for its dramatic plunge dives from great heights to catch fish like mackerel and herring. Adults are strikingly white with black wingtips and a yellowish head, while juveniles are mottled brown. Gannets are mostly found offshore, but during rough weather or certain seasons, they may come closer to shore and be visible from Southend Pier. 

Their large size and distinct shape make them easy to identify when in flight. Though sightings near the pier are rare, observing their spectacular dives is an unforgettable experience for birdwatchers. Gannets are highly social birds, nesting in colonies along rocky cliffs, but their foraging trips can cover vast distances.




When to See:

Diving Bird

Length: 85-97 cm

Wingspan: 165-180 cm

Weight: 2.5-3.6 kg 

Colour: Adults: White body with black wingtips and a pale yellow head. Juveniles: Mottled brown, becoming white over time. 

Lifespan: 15-20 years. 

Green-listed under Birds of Conservation Concern.

Conservation Status:

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