
The eider is a large sea duck best known for its soft down feathers, traditionally harvested for insulation. Males are striking, with bold black-and-white plumage and a greenish nape, while females are mottled brown for camouflage. Eiders are diving ducks that feed on mussels, crabs, and other shellfish, often diving to the seabed to pry them from rocks.
Though more commonly seen in northern coastal waters, eiders occasionally venture into the Thames Estuary during winter, particularly in harsher weather. Their size and distinct coloration make them easier to identify if they are present, but sightings near Southend Pier are infrequent.
When to See:
Diving Bird
Length: 50-71 cm
Wingspan: 95-105 cm
Weight: 1.2-2.5 kg
Colour: Males: Black and white plumage with a greenish nape. Females: Mottled brown.
Lifespan: 10-15 years.
Amber-listed under Birds of Conservation Concern.
Conservation Status: