Black-Necked Grebe

The black-necked grebe is a small, elegant diving bird that occasionally visits the Thames Estuary during the winter months. In breeding plumage, it is strikingly beautiful, with golden ear tufts and reddish flanks.
During the winter, its plumage becomes pale grey and white, making it harder to distinguish from other grebes. Black-necked grebes are skilled divers, hunting small fish, crustaceans, and aquatic insects underwater. They are more elusive than other grebe species and are usually found in quiet, sheltered waters.
Spotting one near Southend Pier requires patience and a keen eye, but their delicate features and agile movements make them a delight to observe.
When to See:
Diving Bird
Length: 28-34 cm
Wingspan: 56-60 cm
Weight: 200-400 g
Colour: Breeding: Black head with golden "ear tufts," black body, and reddish flanks. Winter: Pale grey and white plumage.
Lifespan: 10-12 years.
Amber-listed under Birds of Conservation Concern.
Conservation Status: