the pier-fect day out
on the world's longest pleasure pier
Southend Pier is the city’s most treasured, historical icon as well as being the longest pleasure pier in the world. It stretches for 1.33 miles out into the Thames Estuary, putting Southend on the map as well as into the record books.

Last entry to the pier is one hour before closing.
Please note the opening/closing times are subject to change and are weather dependent.
Call 01702 212534 for up-to-date information.

How's the weather?
Tide Timetable

The current iron pier was completed in 1889, at a cost of almost £70,000 (equivalent to £9,584,229 today).
A single track electric railway started running the length of the pier, and was the first pier railway in the country.
An extension opened in 1898 made Southend Pier the longest pleasure pier in the world at 1.3miles (7080ft).
Southend Pier is a true survivor, having lived through numerous fires, boat crashes, and two world wars.
pier history